
The Law Making Power in Government 

“In framing a government which is to be administered by men over men, the great difficulty lies in this: You must first enable the government to control the governed; and in the next place oblige it to control itself.”


Council Duties


The Gary Common Council is the legislative and fiscal body of government in Gary, Indiana.  The Council’s nine members consist of one representative from each of the City’s six Council districts and three at-large members.  View a map of the six districts here.  Members are elected to serve four-year terms.

As the legislative body, the Council has the exclusive responsibility of passing or changing local laws (known as ordinances), resolutions, orders, and motions for the City’s government. As the fiscal body, the Council has the authority to levy certain taxes and it has the sole responsibility of adopting a City budget each year.  The Council also appoints members to certain boards and commissions such as the school board or the police commission that serve the community in various areas.

Under the  “strong mayor” system in Indiana, the mayor has most of the executive and administrative power over the city’s daily operations.  He or she appoints or removes department heads and has veto power over ordinances passed by the Council.  Despite the considerable power held by the executive branch, the Council has the ultimate authority for funding and all money spent on behalf of City taxpayers.

During budget season – which typically occurs in the fall – the mayor will propose to the Council a detailed budget for all City departments, considering revenue sources and restrictions on how money from each source can be used.  

Throughout the year, City departments will need to reallocate funds for different uses, either within the same department or to different departments.  These transfers and appropriations require Council approval.


Regular General Meetings: typically occur on the first and third Tuesday of each month at 6:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers on the 2nd floor of City Hall, subject to change with advanced notice. The 

All business before the Council must be filed with the Office of the City Clerk: The Clerk is the keeper of the record for the Council and maintains the City Code of Ordinances. To contact the Common Council or the City Clerk, please call the Common Council office at (219) 881-1315 or the City Clerk’s office at (219) 881-4730.

Mission Statement

  • To maintain a check and balance of city government
  • To provide legislation that will result in improving the quality of life for Gary citizens
  • To constantly review existing legislation and make changes
  • To serve as a source of public information and assist in resolving citizen concerns and complaints
  • To appropriate annual operating funds and monitor financial expenditures

Boards & Commissions

One of the municipal responsibilities of the Council is to appoint individuals to various boards and commissions in vital sectors of city administration.  Below is a list of the bodies to which the Council appoints members. 5th District Councilwoman Linda Barnes-Caldwell is chair of the Boards & Commissions Committee.

Gary Community School Board – The five-member board oversees the operations of the school district. The school board plays a pivotal role in shaping the direction of the school district, ensuring that it operates effectively, efficiently, and in the best interest of the students of Gary. 

Dr. Vanessa Allen McCloud is the Gary Common Council appointee to the School Board.

Board of Zoning Appeals – Commonly referred to as the BZA, this board plays a key role in the administration and interpretation of zoning regulations within the city. 

Kevin Brown is the Council appointee to the Board of Zoning Appeals. 

Fire Civil Service Commission – The Gary Fire Civil Service Commission oversees the Fire Department’s hiring, promotional, and disciplinary processes. The Fire Commission is a six (6) member board created by City Ordinance authorized by State law.

Bishop Norman J. Hairston II and Charles Smith Sr. are the Council appointees to the Fire Civil Service Commission

Library Board – The Library Board is responsible for overseeing the operations, policies, and financial management of the Gary Public Library.

Dr. Lucille D. Washington is the Council appointee for the Library Board of Trustees

Police Civil Service Commission – The overarching goal of the Gary Police Civil Service Commission is to ensure that sworn members of the Gary Police Department are at all times held to the highest of standards to ensure that the citizens of Gary are at all times provided with a safe, secure, and healthful environment.

Oliver Gilliam and Charles W. Jackson, Jr. are the Council appointees to the Police Civil Service Commission

Redevelopment Commission – Under Indiana State Law, the Redevelopment Commission is the official body that approves redevelopment policy, awards bids, pays contractors, and administers tax increment financing (TIF).

Adam Hall and LaJuan Clemons, Sr. are the Council appointees to the Redevelopment Commission

Transportation Board – The Board of Directors develops policies regarding the operation, contracts, safety, financing, organization, and structure of the Gary Public Transportation Corporation.

Anthony Manuel, Antoine Gaffin, Sr., Brenda Scott-Henry, and Sharon Levels are the Council appointees to the Transportation Board.

Advisory Commission Status of Black Males – The mission of the Gary Commission on the Social Status of Black Males (GCSSBM) is to study the social conditions of the city’s Black male population, develop strategies to remedy or assist in remedying serious adversities and make recommendations to improve the educational, social, economic, employment and other circumstances for Gary. The Commission serves policymakers and public interest groups, as well as the media, community organizations, and members of the general public.